Seats :5
Beds :4
Year | 1980 |
Length (cm) | - |
Gear Box | Manuelle |
Minimum booking days | 3 |
GAMME | Combi |
Width (cm) | 1 |
Gear Box | Boite longue 4 rapports |
Cost of extra km | 0.39 |
Developper of your Van | Westfalia |
Height (cm) | 1 |
Motorization | 2.0 l Aircooled double carbu 4 cylindres à plat |
Mileage package per day | - |
Discount on booked days | No |
Discount on advance payment | No |
Deposit managed directly by the owner: € 2,000
Delivery of the deposit check to the owner on the day of departure.
Non-smoking motorhome
Have no loss with aggravating circumstances in the last 36 months - caused in a state of alcoholic impregention or under the influence of narcotics or followed by a hit-and-run (commitment on the honor of the tenant / driver),
Be at least 25 years old,
Hold a B permit for at least 3 years.
Accédez au FAQ de la location entre particuliers, agence de location entre particuliers, a procédé à la mise en ligne de l'annonce du propriétaire après réception des pièces administratives demandées pour justification de ses coordonnées personnelles (adresse e-mail, téléphone, justificatif de domicile, pièce d'identité) et de la propriété de son véhicule (carte grise).
Owner L'île aux Combis
Member since February 2021
Verified profile information
Identity – adress – telephone – e-mail
Verified vehicle information
Grey Card – valid technical inspection
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